NLP Well Formed Outcomes
Neurolinguistic Programming

NLP Well Formed Outcomes

One of the fundamental and basic aspects of modern personal development is the idea of having well formed outcomes in your life. It is very well documented these days, but so very few people actually do use them, and even fewer people create them properly and in a way that is useful.

Having NLP's Well formed outcomes for your life can create well being in business, our personal lives, in relationships and so much more. So please be as flexible as you possibly can be while reading this; and I don't mean read it while doing the splits!

In NLP (neuro linguistic programming), goal setting becomes more than just goal setting. We go beyond that and step into the realms of "desired outcome development." By that, we are going beyond setting goals and moving into the realms of setting outcomes.

As you think about any area of your life that you would like to update or change or plan better for, or if you have an unfulfilled dream or something you are working towards, then creating an NLP well formed outcome can begin to get your unconscious mind and its related processes driving you towards that without you even having to know how.

How do goals and outcomes differ? Goals are general and outcomes are specific. An outcome represents a goal developed with specificity that enables us to have a very clear understanding of what to do.

A well formed outcome enables us to create specific pictures, sounds, feelings and words. Then that image, that outcome activates our abilities and resources for achieving that outcome. The NLP well formed outcome model should have the following characteristics;

1. The outcome should be stated positively in terms of what we want: The human mind does not directly process a negative. You regular readers will have read that idea over and over in previous editions of Adam Up. Have a read through the Adam Up archive for more information on that notion.

2. The NLP outcome is described in sensory based language: In terms of sights, sounds and sensations; what will we see, hear and feel with that outcome. See how we are forming the outcome, crafting it?

3. Ensure that the NLP outcome is self-initiated and self-controlled: It needs to be something that is not reliant on others in any way. Changing others directly lies outside of our control - changing them indirectly by changing ourselves - we can do that!

4. Make your desired outcome appropriately contextualised: When, where, how and with who do you want this outcome? Detail the context.

Many people that I work with and encounter operate in a stimulus/response mode. Something happens, they respond. Something else happens, they respond. Instead of reacting to various stimuli involved, with outcome based thinking, you are looking at how to control your own world instead. Outcome based thinking allows you to decide what you want and shows you how to achieve it.

Outcome based thinking with NLP is the ability to visualize the precise outcome of a process before beginning that process. It is the ability to set goals and keep them in mind all through the negotiation process.
World class athletes from all over the world use outcome based thinking to achieve top performance in their field. The best golfers visualize a shot before they hit the ball, the best football players imagine scoring a goal before it happens.

Here are a set of very useful questions to ask yourself when forming your desired outcomes in life to ensure that they are really going to serve you well.

Questions to ask oneself for effective outcome based thinking. This can be applied to many situations and circumstances as someone looking to create a desirable outcome. I recommend that you take time write down the answers to these questions and then use the answers to provide you with a skeleton to then hang around the details of your well-formed outcomes for life.

Firstly; What exactly do I want out of the process? Think of the successful conclusion that you expect.
Secondly, if other people are involved in any shape or form ask yourself; What does the other person want? If you don't know, then think about what are they likely to want?

Thirdly, What is the least I will accept out of the process? Think about the minimum of things that you want to occur in your sessions for you to be satisfied.

Next up, think about (briefly, don't loiter on this) What problems could come up in the process? Make a note, if not in writing, then in your mind of everything that could arise.

Then, ask yourself; how will I deal with each one and, if possible, use the problem to benefit the outcome? Make a list of possibilities or the things that could crop up, or differences in contract expectations.

Then put together your solutions for remedying that before it occurs. Being prepared to deliver your solutions if and when they arise.

Finally, ask yourself; How will I bring the process to a conclusion? Run this over and over in your mind. You can also ask that wonderful question; how will I know when I have achieved this outcome? Make a note of that. Whenever I ask myself that question in relation to a well formed outcome, it sends a HUGE smile across my face.

Knowing the outcome in advance is exceptionally powerful. So go and begin to design your future, make them as sensory rich as possible. Create them and allow your unconscious mind to deliver the results.

I was listening to a recording recently by a highly acclaimed coach talking about "the horizon." He explained that the horizon does not really exist; that it's just a mental construct. He made the point that, no matter how fast or how far you travel, you do not and cannot actually reach the horizon. Wherever you are, your brain creates a new horizon ahead of you. Really interesting thought. This notion can be applied to how we go about driving ourselves to create our well-formed outcomes.

So, like the horizon, our NLP well formed outcomes are mental constructs, and not actually aspects of reality. However, and I am getting excited by telling you this, they can be an excellent marker to help us set a direction and keep motivated to creating wonderful sensory rich well formed outcomes. What our outcomes and dreams are not useful for is measuring progress. Let me explain.

People with dreams and NLP well formed outcomes, in my experience, fall into two categories: those who are happily achieving those dreams and fulfilled by them, and those who are lacking fulfilment and dissatisfied with their life.

The main difference between these two groups is that the people who are happy and fulfilled measure their progress by comparing where they are against where they have come from. The people who are stressed and dissatisfied measure progress by comparing where they are against their dreams. Having dreams that are unfulfilled can hinder us and damage our motivation to create powerful well formed outcomes.

So before you go off and start writing your NLP well formed outcomes about making your dreams come true; just think about that idea for a moment; The happy, fulfilled people look at how far they've come.
The unhappy, dissatisfied people look at how far they have to go to reach their dreams.

When you bear in mind that the dream, your NLP well formed outcome is in fact just a mental construct that cannot be reached, you can understand why they may have been feeling unhappy and dissatisfied.
So here are some steps to take to avoid dissatisfaction:

Firstly; think of something that you have been working towards for a while or something that you wish to work on. It could be something to do with your health, your finances, your relationships, a habitual change, something you want to overcome, a skill you wish to acquire, or something that you want to do.

Secondly, think of your dream, your desired outcome for this particular area. If you are exploring wealth, your dream might be financial freedom or owning a flashy new car. If you are focusing on health, your dream may be to be a certain size, to stop smoking or to run a mile in a certain time. Hey, it may even be how to stop clinging on to the safe place you might be in life.

Thirdly, have a really good think of where you started. Where were you at when you first decided you were going to do something about it? Really assess that. Get it clear in your mind/

Fourth, now compare where you currently are to your dream or your desired outcome. Now get a sense of how you feel about that.

In the vast majority of cases, people almost certainly find that there is a gap between where you are and your dream, of course, otherwise it would unlikely still be a dream. For some people, thinking about this gap is a disheartening experience. This is the habitual behaviour of unfulfilled people. So resolve to stop doing it today! Please! Just stop it.

Next up, compare where you currently are to where you started. Get a sense of how this feels. Now we are talking.

If you have made any progress at all, it will typically be more and more enjoyable to compare where you are with where you were. This is the habitual behaviour of happy, fulfilled people, of happy high achievers and those developing personally as they want to. This is really crucial in creating well formed outcomes for your life.

Many people have learned to compare themselves to the dream or the desired outcome. But once you know how this works, you can compare yourself to where you started, and feel good about the progress you have made, however minor it may be. The great thing is, that gives you energy and motivation to continue with your journey towards your NLP well formed outcomes.

Adam Eason is an author, consultant, trainer and motivational speaker in the fields of hypnosis, NLP, personal development and human potential. His website is filled with information, stimulating articles, resources and uniques products and can be found here;
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Neurolinguistic Programming
